The Web on Mobile and Beyond!

MobiCASE logoWe are pleased to announce that Dominique Hazaël-Massieux will keynote at the MobiCASE 2013 (Fifth International Conference on Mobile Computing, Applications and Services) event in two weeks in Paris. Dominique will present “The Web on Mobile and Beyond”.

The keynote’s main message is that in our connected world—computers, phones, tablets, TVs, cars, glasses, watches, refrigerators, lightbulbs, sensors and more to come—mobile phones will most likely remain the hub for while. The only platform that can realistically be made available on all these devices is the Web.

Dominique is currently leading a focused effort both in W3C and the HTML5Apps project to assess what we can and should do to make the web more competitive on mobile. As such, before the MobiCase 2013 partcipants, Dominique will take the opportunity to ask for feedback and ideas on what the missing pieces are.

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Posted in html5apps, Standardization
Closing the Gaps
Native vs. HTML5?
The HTML5Apps project's goal is to close the gaps! Read more in the project's factsheet pdf file.
Project Funding
EU logo This project is funded by the European Union through the Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2013-2015) under grant agreement n°611327 - HTML5 Apps.
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