W3C is aiming to streamline Web Payments with new standards that will provide a uniform way for merchants to integrate payments into the Web with a level playing field for payment service providers and value added services. The HTML5Apps project initiated this work in 2014 by organizing the Web Payments Workshop at the “Bourse de Paris” to discuss requirements related to usability, security, mobile payments, digital wallets, ubiquitous payments, the Internet of Things, and more.
The Web Payment Interest Group, formed as a outcome of that workshop, is meeting this week in New York, in the heart of the financial community, for a three day meeting (June 16-18) which aims to prepare the ground for launching a W3C Working Group on Web Payments standards later this year. The HTML5Apps project is helping stakeholders to clarify the scope and technical direction for chartering the new group.
On June 18, W3C will hold a Future of Web Payments Industry Roundtable, hosted by Bloomberg. Participants at the Roundtable includes representatives from W3C’s Web Payments IG, including Apple, Bloomberg, Deutsche Telekom, Gemalto, Google, Mozilla, NACS, Rabobank, Ripple Labs, Target, US Federal Reserve Bank, Walmart, Yandex, and others.