Getting ready for W3C Workshop on Web Payments

We are getting ready for the W3C workshop on Web Payments that will take place next week in Paris.
This event is already a success. We had far more applicants than the room can handle, and the seats were assigned in a couple of weeks. In the same way, we received a record number of papers, but had to select only a few to ensure that a big place is reserved for discussions.
Finally the biggest success is the attendance. To have a chance to make progress in this area, and to have future standards adopted, it is essential to bring around the table all the actors of the ecosystem. In the e-payments area the ecosystem is complex:

  • Payment System Providers/Payment Industry: Organizations managing payments
    • Bank
    • Payment Standardization Bodies
    • Online & mobile payment systems providers
    • Payments Terminal and related technologies providers
    • Virtual Currencies (aka cryptocurrencies)
  • Users: e.g. browser vendor, mobile operators, etc.
  • Merchants
  • Software Developers

Not only we will have representatives from all these categories, but also, as one can see on the agenda, major players involved in the field. This is great for the event and this looks very promising for W3C because it shows that W3C is the right place for future standardization work, but it also shows that th emarket is mature for an initiative in the domain.

I’m really looking forward to participating in the event. For thsoe who couldn’t attend, the minutes and the final report will be publicly available soon after the event.


Posted in html5apps, Payment, Standardization, Workshop
Closing the Gaps
Native vs. HTML5?
The HTML5Apps project's goal is to close the gaps! Read more in the project's factsheet pdf file.
Project Funding
EU logo This project is funded by the European Union through the Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2013-2015) under grant agreement n°611327 - HTML5 Apps.
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