Blog Archives

[Survey] Mobile APIs

As part of the HTML5Apps standardization work, I have started developing a survey of mobile APIs. In this repository, I have begun documenting what APIs mobile platforms expose, in native ecosystems (iOS, android, Windows) and in Web-based ones (FirefoxOS, Chrome

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Posted in html5apps, Mobile, Standardization, SysApps

Trust and permissions in Web apps [HTML5Apps/W3C meeting]

The W3C SysApps Working Group is organizing a meeting on trust and permissions in Web apps in Paris on 3-4 September 2014. The two day meeting, hosted by Gemalto, will review the limitations of existing standards, and discuss insights gained

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Posted in Event, html5apps, Standardization, SysApps

HTML5Apps at the Berlin’s Extensible Web Summit

Quite a few HTML5Apps related topics will be discussed at the European Extensible Web Summit on September 11, 2014, in Berlin, Germany. This summit is designed to bring in platform developers, framework developers and Web developers with an interest in

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Posted in Event, HTML5, html5apps, Standardization

HTML5 as Web standard: the plan goes as expected!

We like sharing the good news! Our colleague Philippe Le Hégaret, W3C Interaction Domain Leader, indicated, yesterday in a W3C’s blog post, that HTML5 is on its way to reach the W3C Recommendation (or Web standard) status by the end

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Posted in HTML5, Standardization

[New edition!] Standards for Web apps on mobile – Apr. 2014

The HTML5Apps project is proud to present the latest edition of the “Standards for Web Applications on Mobile: current state and roadmap”. This April 2014 edition notably features a new section on security and privacy. This document summarizes the various technologies

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Posted in html5apps, Standardization

[Seminar] HTML5 vs Native Apps – in Bilbao

The HTML5Apps project and the  W3C Office in Spain is glad to invite the developer community to attend a HTML5-based Web applications seminar, to be held on 6 May 2014, from 9 to 12am, in Bilbao, Spain. This event entitled

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Posted in Event, Standardization

Web Payments Workshop Report Now Published

W3C is pleased to publish its report from the March Workshop on Web and Payments. This document summarizes the activities and results of the first W3C Workshop on Web Payments. Participants recorded key outputs from the meeting, including a recommendation

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Posted in html5apps, Payment, Standardization, Workshop

Getting ready for W3C Workshop on Web Payments

We are getting ready for the W3C workshop on Web Payments that will take place next week in Paris. This event is already a success. We had far more applicants than the room can handle, and the seats were assigned

Posted in html5apps, Payment, Standardization, Workshop

Vision Mobile on the App Developer Economy

Last month, VisionMobile published Developer Economics Q1 2014: State of the Developer Nation, which “presents the latest trends in app development, based on our survey of over 7,000 developers” from 127 countries. W3C Head of Communications, Ian Jacobs, spoke with

Posted in HTML5, Standardization

HTML5Apps team at Mobile World Congress 2014

The HTML5Apps team will be present at MWC’14, from 24 to 27 February 2014, In Barcelona. Meet with us in App Planet, Stand 8.1G15, at W3C’s booth! We will showcase many Open Web Platform (as the premier platform for application

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Posted in HTML5, html5apps, Standardization
Closing the Gaps
Native vs. HTML5?
The HTML5Apps project's goal is to close the gaps! Read more in the project's factsheet pdf file.
Project Funding
EU logo This project is funded by the European Union through the Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2013-2015) under grant agreement n°611327 - HTML5 Apps.